Friday, December 27, 2019

Whats Personal Motivation Essay - 876 Words

External motivation comes from outside of our own brain. When you want to do a job because it will impress someone, or because youll receive a prize for it, or because youll be punished if you dont--thats an inducement that comes from outside your internal value system. Internal motivation is the driving force that comes from inside us, and causes us to do a good job because we feel good about ourselves when we accomplish something. When we are internally motivated, we operate according to our own values. Understanding your needs, the hierarchy of needs will help to understand what motivates a particular individual. We all possess needs that are psychological in nature, the need for food, sleep, sex, safety needs driven by the need†¦show more content†¦As mentioned earlier the understanding of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs that starts with some of the basic physiological requirements that are needed for existence, basic needs. After these needs are filled, the next le vel is safety needs and are thought to dominate behavior. Love and belonging come after with the need for social and family acceptance. Esteem follows with the need to be respected, have self-esteem, and self-respect. All of these levels lead up to self actualization where a person realizes their full potential. The higher level needs are thought to be filled externally. After each level is filled they move on to the next level, but everyone does not necessarily fill all levels. The process of self actualization development continues throughout life, thereby influencing and being influenced by motivation. Some people are more internally motivated if they feel that the results are factors under their control, they are capable of reaching goals ,and interested in learning a topic to name a few. Simply put it makes a person feel good inside and gives a sense of pride. Internal motivation and internal locus of control are very closely related both work toward a higher need like self-efficacy. Outside or external motivation can be rewarding if there is a value to the person involved be it monetary, grades, or favors that are returned in exchange. Coercion and a threat are also considered as externalShow MoreRelatedMotivate, Delegate and Empower881 Words   |  4 Pagesrefers to the employees feeling of being effective, in control and influential. Furthermore, empowerment positively impacts motivation, and motivation leads to better performance. Maslows hierarchy of needs provides a foundational theory. It states that all employees have some basic needs that must first be satisfied in order to provide the framework for further motivation and empowerment. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The U.s. Constitution Of The United States - 868 Words

The U.S. Constitution laid out the ground work of how we run our country, and the processes we must go through to make our country strong and intact. When it comes to the steps that must be followed in passing a bill into law, the Constitution of the United States tells us in Article 1 Section 7 the appropriate steps to get this accomplished. The legwork and the approval process can be quite lengthy to get a bill passed into law, as it must go through certain stages before it can become official. To get a better idea of how a bill gets passed into law, I will play the role of a member of the House of Representatives with an idea to make public colleges tuition free. I have written a proposed idea of how I would like the college tuition of public Universities to be free with stipulations and requirements to the American citizen looking to broaden their education and create job skills. With the bill planned out and me being a member of the House of Representatives, I am going to in troduce this bill in the House. Now it is important to remember that anyone can draft a bill but only a member of Congress can introduce bills. After the bill has been introduced it goes to a committee, where at this point it will be determined if this bill has any chance of being passed. If the bill is brought to the committee and they happen not to act on the bill, then unfortunately the bill would be considered dead. Most bills after this point can be referred to a sub-committee where theShow MoreRelatedU.s. Constitution And The United States1307 Words   |  6 PagesThe U.S Constitution sets all the general rules and laws for the United States of America. The U.S. Constitution is very general because it is covering everything for the entire country. It gives an understanding on how the nation’s government works. Provides the framework of the proper functions, responsibilities, and what each section of the government has to provide. The U.S. Constitution is important to the country, but state constitutions are also important. State constitutions go in more depthRead MoreU.s. Constitution Report On The United States903 Words   |  4 PagesTruc Nguyen Mrs. Polich U.S History 4 April, 2017 U.S Constitution Report The U.S Constitution a sheet of paper that they wrote to protect people s rights the title of this very important document is called we the people. For the countries of america to join and to become a stronger union with the justice and defense the people welfare. The U.S constitution was ratified in 1791, in was at the U.S.A in philadelphia why was this document created one reason is the people were afraid that theirRead MoreThe United States Constitution Vs. U.s. Supreme Court809 Words   |  4 PagesEstablished in Article III of the United States Constitution, The U.S. Supreme Court is the only federal branch that is comprised of non-elected members. The President with the advice and consent of Congress appoints Justices. The court adjudicates cases that arise through U.S. Constitutional issues U.S. laws and treaties, interstate cases and cases where a state itself or the U.S. is a party in the case. The Supreme Court has both original and appellate jurisdiction. That is, the c ourt hears casesRead MoreU.S. Constitution vs. Jamaican Constitution1444 Words   |  6 Pagesconsideration, one would presume that the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Jamaica would not be similar at all. After all, the United States Constitution was ratified in 1787, whereas the Jamaican Constitution was not ratified until 1962, the year Jamaica gained its independence. 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While the Bill of Rights for the Georgia Constitution and the United States Constitution do just that, they do have some distinctive similarities and differences. For example, the major difference I see is the fact that the Georgia Bill ofRead MoreU.S. Constitution vs. Texas Constitution Essay675 Words   |  3 PagesA constitution is the fundamental principles of government in a nation, either implied in its laws, institutions, and customs, or embodied in one fundamental document. The U.S. Constitution was completed on September 17, 1789 and has served as a model for the constitutions of many other nations. The constitution of the United States of America is the oldest written national constitution in use and consists of twenty-seven amendments. The state of Texas has had six constitutions. The constitutionRead MoreThe Constitutional Convention Of The Constitution1179 Words   |  5 PagesMost of the framers of the constitution either attended or graduated college, were involved in the American Revolution, and had already been involved in the government. The Constitutional Convention was a meeting held in Philadelphia between May and September of 1787. There, delegates discussed revisions to the United States Government. The Constitutional Convention was held in order to address the problems of the weak central government that existed under the Articles of Confederation. Many of theRead MoreBill of Rights and Amendments1353 Words   |  6 Pagesand Amendments The United States Constitution was recognized to Americans as a vague statement in clarifying the privileges and the rights of individuals and centralizing the power within the government itself. With the passing of the Bill of Rights and the first ten amendments, it grants the people to what is said to be their â€Å"natural rights† following additional rights that have significantly changed our society. Amendments and Constitution According to the Constitution, an amendment may be

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Introduction to Contemporary Society

Question: Writeabout the Introduction to Contemporary Society. Answer: Introduction The topic of the given assignment focuses on the social inequality and its effects on the larger part of the society. Many social evils have persisted in the society for ages. The impact of these evils has been deep rooted in most of the cases. It is very hard to find a country where the social inequality has not affected the moral views. It ranges from gender inequality, racial inequality and others (Cullingworth, 2012). The racial inequality has many negative impacts. In this assignment, the central focus of the assignment highlights on the negative effects of same sex marriage. Same Sex marriage Same sex marriage has been a matter of controversy for many years in the modern era (Corvino Gallagher, 2012).The idea of same sex marriage began to become a common trait from the later part of the 20th century. The main point regarding this phenomenon is the marriage or conjugal relationship between a same sex couple i.e. between two female or between two male persons. Apparently it may seem an uncommon thing to a larger portion of the society, but the sexual orientation of a person is beyond anybodys control. A male person may certainly have sexual affinity towards other males and the same is applicable for female as well. The communities that are fighting to establish the rights for these kinds of people are very active in different countries. They are called the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) people (Peterson Panfil, 2014). The laws in different countries have always raised questions in favor of the people who deserve the rights to be treated as a member of the same society along with other normal members. The inequality among people regarding gender issues should not at all be tolerated at any cost. The people who belong to this category sometimes keep aloof from society in fear of disclosing of their sexual orientation. Gradually they become secluded from their families and later from the society. These consequences surely affect their mental health (Wight, LeBlanc Lee, 2013). Marriage is a civil right of human beings and the sexual orientation is completely dependent upon the particular person. The attempt to stop the same sex couples from being married is completely an act of social discrimination and an act of violating civil rights. Some people give the logic that same sex marriages cannot yield productivity or give birth to babies. This point can be countered by saying that there some heterosexual couples who does not intend to have babies after their marriage. They should be prevented from getting married if giving childbirth is only the objective of marriage. People who go against the idea of same sex marriage argue that this idea harms the traditional view of marriage between a man and a woman. Same sex marriage is compatible with homosexuality, which is considered as immoral and unnatural behavior (Dynes, 2016). Some people are also of the opinion that if same sex marriage is legalized, the children would be targeted. The same-sex couples do not g et the rights of institutionalizing their marriage due to social unacceptability. This is surely an injustice to them. Social Science Concepts Regarding the Issue There have been several debates regarding the issue of homosexuality and same sex marriage throughout these years. The major social concept regarding this issue was the social stigma in the 1970s. Therefore the social stigma regarding same sex marriage also gave birth to the social concept that stated that children of gay partners will not be normal. In defining normal, scholars also indicated that the opposition of the marriage union had said that this marriage union may be in the best interest of the homosexuals but it can never be in the best interest of the children (Boswell, 2015). This concept states that while growing up children need both the mother and father, however, in the same sex marriage it is not possible. The oppositions also affirm that if the same sex civil marriages are common, most of the children will be growing up either two mother or two fathers, therefore their development in the early stages would be hampered. They focus on the fact that fathers have a uniqu e biological and social influence on the children, and at the same time it cannot be denied that children need mothers as well. Therefore this social concept addresses the fact that same sex couples will have inadequate parenting capability. However, this concept can be entirely nullified with the results of a recent study. This study indicates that there are no such differences between the children who are raised by the homosexual couples and other who are raised by the heterosexual ones. It involved randomly selected large samples of the young adults who have been raised by parents from a same sex relationship. They are loved as much as the other children with heterosexual parents are loved. Other scientific researchers also have compared the children of same sex marriages with different other kinds of family and concluded that while children are being raised by their fathers primarily they are absolutely competent in their developmental process and do not raise any kind of clinic al concern (Connell, 2014). These studies indicate that having a mother and a father can be considered as the ideal environment to raise children, but most of the times, that is not common. Therefore, it can be said there is not such sustainable development regarding the difficulty concerns on the personal development among the children of same sex marriage in the studies conducted. Another social science concept that has further stigmatized the same sex marriage is that same sex marriages may isolate the marriage from the basic purpose of it. The traditional purpose of the marriage is to be connected with each other and provide a secured environment for the child. However, even though traditionally the primary reason for marriage was to have children, most of the westerners nowadays see marriage as an emotional union. It is believed that when two people, most importantly any two people are in love and want to lead their life together for the rest of their lives they should be allowed to get married (Bernstein Taylor, 2013). However, the oppositions of the same sex marriage indicate that it may decrease the future population highly. This concept though is seen as an anti nationalist one that put a political, social and economic pressure on the larger society. However, in recent times, the union of marriage is not seen in the traditional way (Conkle, 2014). No m atter it is a homosexual or a heterosexual marriage, the modern concept of marriage now undercuts the long connected norm with the marriage and further establishes that there is no such necessary linkage between the marriage and procreation. Therefore, this social concept regarding the nullification of same sex marriage has also been dismissed. Conclusion In the concluding part of the presentation, it can be stated that the curse of social inequality has shed a deep impact on the social structure and in the minds of people.. The problems of same sex marriage can also bring lack of faith and intolerance among some people of the society. These practices shed adverse effects on the society. It also increases social discrimination that is the source of many troubles. This practice should be stopped at immediate effect. Reference List and Bibliography Bernstein, M., Taylor, V. (2013).The Marrying Kind?: Debating Same-Sex Marriage within the Lesbian and Gay Movement. University of Minnesota Press. Boswell, J. (2015).Christianity, social tolerance, and homosexuality: Gay people in Western Europe from the beginning of the Christian era to the fourteenth century. University of Chicago Press. Conkle, D. O. (2014). Evolving Values, Animus, and Same-Sex Marriage.Ind. LJ,89, 27. Connell, R. W. (2014).Gender and power: Society, the person and sexual politics. John Wiley Sons. Corvino, J., Gallagher, M. (2012).Debating same-sex marriage. OUP USA. Cullingworth, J. B. (2012).Problems of an Urban Society: The social framework of planning. Routledge. Dynes, W. R. (Ed.). (2016).Encyclopedia of homosexuality(Vol. 2). Routledge. Wight, R. G., LeBlanc, A. J., Lee Badgett, M. V. (2013). Same-sex legal marriage and psychological well-being: findings from the California Health Interview Survey.American journal of public health,103(2), 339-346.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Space Exploration Essays - Apollo Program, Apollo 11, NASA

Space Exploration On May 25, 1961, John F. Kennedy delivered one of the most memorable State of the Union addresses in the history of the United States. "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the earth" (, President John F. Kennedy's Special Message to the Congress on Urgent National Needs). With those words, Kennedy launched a new era of space exploration in the United States. Although the National Aeronautics And Space Administration was created in 1958 by the National Aeronautics and Space Act (, Key Documents), and the Russians already launched the first satellite into space in 1957, the US was still at a stand still on the subject. What the country needed was a wake-up call, and that is exactly what it got from one of the most celebrated speakers in its history. The new era promised much, but expected little. From USA's struggle to be the dominant world power in the Cold War Era, to the careless depletion of natural resources in the Information Age, space exploration and astronauts were and will be the real keys to the new millennium and beyond. Before looking into the future, or even evaluating the present, one must look in detail at the history of the space project. The missions that gave scientists and engineers the necessary data and experience to make new, safer, more reliable and intricate equipment were launched long before there was realistic talk of sending probes to Mars. The astronauts that helped shape the training programs, took the beatings of primitive flight tests, and died in order to serve their country were born before World War II. And even the Russian Space Program was crucial to what the space program is today. It fueled competition, and provided more resources for American engineers. Until Apollo 11, they were ahead of the Americans in almost everyway, with their launch of Sputnik, a unmanned satellite in 1957, and their countless firsts in orbiting and space walks. Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space. Although most of the missions that have been launched have been important in their own ways, some missions just stand out, whether it was the first step on the Moon, or the first mission to Mars. NASA's first high profile program was Project Mercury, an effort to learn if humans could survive in space. It was the prelude to the later missions, and it gave NASA the necessary data to build better, and more comfortable ships for humans to stay in space for extended periods of time. The first launch of the Mercury program was the LJ-1 on August 21, 1959. At thirty-five minutes before launch, evacuation of the area had been proceeding on schedule. Suddenly, half an hour before launch-time, an explosive flash occurred. When the smoke cleared it was evident that only the capsule-and-tower combination had been launched, on a trajectory similar to an off-the-pad abort (, Mercury: LJ-1). The first mildly successful spacecraft launch occurred September 9, 1959. Although the BJ-1 ship experienced some problems, and the timing on some of the separation procedures was off, the capsule made it back to earth some seven hours after lift-off. The capsule orbited the earth for approximately thirteen minutes (Mercury: BJ-1). Mercury mission MA-5 was the first to carry live organisms into sub-orbit. Although Enos - a chimpanzee, was not a perfect substitute for a human, he served as a good test for the environmental controls of the capsule. He orbited the earth in total weightlessness for over three hours and upon landing was in perfect physical condition (Mercury: MA-5). On May 5, 1961, Freedom 7 was the first launch to carry humans into space. Alan B. Shepard, Jr. was the only crewmember, and the successful mission lasted for over 15 minutes (Mercury: MR-3). More manned flights from the Mercury series followed, highlighted by the Friendship 7, where on February 20, 1962, John Glenn was the first American in actual orbit, and he orbited the earth three times for a little under five hours (Mercury: MA-6). The last mission from the Mercury project came on May 15, 1963, where L. Gordon Cooper was in orbit in the Faith 7 for over a day. Total weightless time was over thirty-four hours, and the mission was celebrated and deemed more than successful (Mercury: MA-9). Gemini missions followed which built on the success of the Mercury flights, and basically followed the same outlines, except with a crew

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


What truths, if any, regarding man and society do you consider to be expressed in conservative doctrine? Conservatism, as an ideology is a relatively new phenomenon. It developed mainly in opposition to the French Revolution in 1789 and to the ‘enlightenment’ that preceded it. This ‘enlightenment’, which led to the revolution, was based on the perceived rationality of mankind and of mankind’s ability to reconstruct society according to abstract ideals. Conservatives fundamentally reject mankind’s rationality and tend to be guided more by the principles of tradition, hierarchy, and reform over revolution. According to O’Sullivan, in his work Conservatism, three broad schools of conservative thought are identified. This essay will concentrate primarily on the ‘French Reactionary School’, and particularly, but not exclusively on the thoughts of Joseph De Maistrà ©, Maurice Barrà ¨s, and Charles Mourras. The French Reactionary School has been chosen as it offers several differences from almost all other Schools of thought, to the extent that some have seen it as a precursor to fascism. Also, due to restrictions of this essay and the immense diversity of conservative doctrine, a worthwhile account of more than one school of thought would not be possible. This essay will evaluate and analyse the claims made by members of the French Reactionary School relating to the ‘truths’ about man and society found in their key works and thoughts. Firstly, this essay will discuss the ‘truths’ about mankind found in the writings of Joseph de Maistrà © and Charles Mourras. It will be shown how these views came about through both a historical view of the nature of man and a belief in the infallibility of God in the first case and a more sociological perspective in the other. A discussion of whether these ‘truth claims’ regarding the nature of man are true at all, looking briefly at some rival perspectives and some of the... fascism Free Essays on French Conservatism/fascism What truths, if any, regarding man and society do you consider to be expressed in conservative doctrine? Conservatism, as an ideology is a relatively new phenomenon. It developed mainly in opposition to the French Revolution in 1789 and to the ‘enlightenment’ that preceded it. This ‘enlightenment’, which led to the revolution, was based on the perceived rationality of mankind and of mankind’s ability to reconstruct society according to abstract ideals. Conservatives fundamentally reject mankind’s rationality and tend to be guided more by the principles of tradition, hierarchy, and reform over revolution. According to O’Sullivan, in his work Conservatism, three broad schools of conservative thought are identified. This essay will concentrate primarily on the ‘French Reactionary School’, and particularly, but not exclusively on the thoughts of Joseph De Maistrà ©, Maurice Barrà ¨s, and Charles Mourras. The French Reactionary School has been chosen as it offers several differences from almost all other Schools of thought, to the extent that some have seen it as a precursor to fascism. Also, due to restrictions of this essay and the immense diversity of conservative doctrine, a worthwhile account of more than one school of thought would not be possible. This essay will evaluate and analyse the claims made by members of the French Reactionary School relating to the ‘truths’ about man and society found in their key works and thoughts. Firstly, this essay will discuss the ‘truths’ about mankind found in the writings of Joseph de Maistrà © and Charles Mourras. It will be shown how these views came about through both a historical view of the nature of man and a belief in the infallibility of God in the first case and a more sociological perspective in the other. A discussion of whether these ‘truth claims’ regarding the nature of man are true at all, looking briefly at some rival perspectives and some of the...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Abortionessay essays

Abortionessay essays Pro-Choice or Pro-Life But oh, thrice guilty is he who drove her to desperation which impelled her to the crime [abortion] (Susan B. Anthony, 1869). In the Scott Foresman Advanced Dictionary, Thorndike and Barnhart defined abortion as the removal of a developing embryo or fetus from the uterus to terminate a pregnancy before birth resulting in death of the fetus (3). The abortion issue has become one of the worlds most controversial problems of today. The abortion issue is divided into two sides, pro-life and pro-choice. They focus on different aspects of receiving an abortion. At one end we have the pro-choice advocate-those who focus on womens right. The pro-choice supporters have reason to believe the fetus is only a potential human being. It has no right whatsoever, because the right belongs to the woman carrying the fetus, and it is she who decides on the length of time of the pregnancy. On the other end we have the pro-life -those who oppose abortion and focus on the fetus rights. They believe the fetus is a human being and has just as much legal right as the parents. The Bible states that everybody was created in the image of God. Therefore, taking the life of an innocent child is like killing the image of God. In the Bible, God said that thou shall not murder. Websters Dictionary and Thesaurus have defined murder as the unlawful and intentional killing of a human being (133). Is abortion moral or immoral? According to pro-life supporters, the unborn child is entrusted to the protection and care of the mother carrying it and yet the majority of the time it is the mother herself who makes the choice of whether or not the child should be aborted. The decision to abort the child may have come from problems dealing with the health of the mother or standard or living for the family. However, these excuses never justify the intentional killing of an innocent person. Many people claim that an e...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Day care in the chicago, IL downtown area Assignment

Day care in the chicago, IL downtown area - Assignment Example Globalization on different parts of the continent has made it difficult for parents to provide for and at the same time care for their children. This is caused by the changes in the economy amongst other factors that influences a parents’ ability to stay at home and take care of the children. This is a big problem as several reported cases on burnt or burgled homes; always involve young children left at home alone by their parents. Chicago, IL Downtown Area is famous for daycare services because of its diverse population. A daycare service center in Chicago, IL Downtown Area will be of great significance to working parents and single parents as it will provide them with an opportunity to live their children under the care of trained individuals and safe environments. Situational Analysis The situational analysis of the daycare in the Chicago, IL Downtown Area refers to the general position at which the day care is operating. The situational analysis of the daycare in Chicago i s also the SWOT analysis of the daycare. The daycare in Chicago stands to benefit from numerous opportunities available in the city like the loans and other credit for commencing the business offered to small businesses by various workshops in Chicago. However, policies and procedures in the Chicago, IL Downtown Area might pose a challenge for the daycare because of the time and resources that will be used in registering the daycare and making it formal(Connell 202). The weaknesses that the daycare in IL Downtown Area will be experiencing are that it may be able to provide individualized attention for each individual child brought in their care. Secondly, is that it may not accrue much profits when it decides to refuse to take ill children inside their premises. The threats of the daycare in the Chicago, IL Downtown Area is that it will expose children brought inside the premises to various diseases because of the many children who will be attending the facility and they might be he ld accountable for the spread of diseases or sicknesses amongst the toddlers (Hershfield 49). Market Summary The demand for services in the Chicago, IL Downtown Area is increasing by the day as most parents and single parents find themselves committed to other productive and non-productive activities like taking nightshift employment or going out on a night dinner. The market is flooded by several daycare services and each are coming with strategies to outdo each other in the market. In addition, to the targeted single and working parents, daycares in Chicago, IL Downtown area also targets the non-working rich parents and sick parents. These types of individuals always lead a lavished lifestyle and at times are uncomfortable with the responsibilities of looking after their young ones. Sick parents are not always in positions to take good care of their young ones since their sickness drains off their energy. This is disturbing as they find it challenging to monitor their selves whils t at the same time looking after their babies (Hershfield 50). Market Demographics Market demographic factors involves factors like age, sex, economic status level of education, income amongst other factors influencing the choice of a consumer in purchasing. Market demographics will be of significance to the daycare in Chicago, IL Downtown Area as it assists in identifying targeted audiences. This is resourceful as the company is able make a prediction using the demographics available to set up a center that will serve the needs of the existing population in the area. The composition of population will also assist in obtaining data used by the company to relocate resourceful information by the daycare on the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Problems North Korea Poses For Contemporary East Asia Research Paper

The Problems North Korea Poses For Contemporary East Asia - Research Paper Example Justifiably, the country has been dealing with severe political problems that are affecting other nations of the Asian continent (Mervio 19-30). There are various issues that North Korea is facing in the present day scenario which is affecting the entire nation along with the countries of the East Asian region in a comprehensive manner. In this regard, a few of the basic and the most crucial significant issues poses by North Korea for contemporary East Asia are the inability to suffice the daily requirements of the people, inhumane treatment and imbalance in the context of criminal justice system among others. It is worth mentioning in this similar context that the unstable political and social economic conditions of North Korea have certainly posed severe threats for the nations of East Asia by a certain extent. More importantly, it is the problem of the challenge of security tensions, which North Korea is dealing with (Borthwick 15-20). The country i.e. North Korea has initiated two of the most drastic nuclear programs in terms of magnitude. Likewise, it is ranked as the third largest in terms of its chemical weapon arsenal. Notably, the country has fired missiles such as Nodong and Taepodong to Asian countries like Japan and South Korea that certainly resulted in mass destruction. This can be duly considered as one of the negative impacts of the country imposed on the nations of East Asia. Lack of proper leadership in the country has also resulted in erupting major issues that affected the rapid pace of development of the East Asian nations and the global countries altogether. It will be vital to mention that the aspects including poverty, unstable economy and prevalence of improper legislative structures are deemed to be certain crucial issues that North Korea is dealing in this contemporary scenario. The problems of security in North Korea have been widely regarded as a threat to the  countries of the East Asia n regions along with the other international nations in the global paradigm.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Should Students Be Required to Take a Second Language Course Essay Example for Free

Should Students Be Required to Take a Second Language Course Essay A spectacle is happening in today’s society that the world, one hundred years ago, could have never thought possible. Cultural barriers between countries are blurring and are eventually predicted to disappear entirely, forming one, global nation. This process of globalization is due mainly to the rise of modern technologies through the internet and computers. Just a few decades ago, people would have never thought that an international business meeting would be as simple as few clicks of a mouse and a video-call. Now, international trading, as well as many other tasks, is becoming a reality. However, the only thing that might restrain a deal between a start-up American business and a possible Chinese investor is an acute language barrier. To keep the machine that is the global market well-oiled and functioning at maximum efficiency, it only makes sense for a common language to be spoken. The sooner the United States schools realize this, the sooner they can stay competitive on a global scale. The culture-blending effects of globalization necessitate high school and college students to achieve proficiency in a second, useful language. To fully understand why a second language is so important for United States citizens, one must understand the causes of constantly rising globalization. The first and most obvious cause is the internet and the lines of communication that it opens. If used appropriately, the internet can connect people from a variety of nationalities for almost endless purposes. Perhaps the most appealing purpose would be the potential for international business endeavors. Businessmen have, since the dawn of the internet, seized the opportunity to use it for global business growth. They recognize that the internet is an information highway that can be used to help business contact clients from around the globe as well as promote their business on the web. These business opportunities have given once developmentally backwards nations such as China or India, the ability to contact other well-developed countries for trade. This causes and influx in these countries economies as well as giving the developed counties new trading partners that may have higher potential manufacturing power than they do (Globalization and Localization Association Predicts Jump in Demand for Language Industry Services). With all of these benefits for the global economy, it is not hard to see why these countries have welcomed globalization. Money is not the only thing that is being transferred in today’s global economy. Like a pilot fish on a shark, the sharing of cultures comes along with globalization. Since the world is so connected now through technology and trade, many cultures are being mixed together in a global melting pot. This exposes a need for a common language to be spoken between nations. Since language can be crucial to understanding a country’s culture as well as communicating with the citizens of the country, businesses often look for potential employees who are bilingual because they have that advantage over people who are not (Akay). Therefore, if a person learns a second language they can gain an edge in the job market. A second language is key for the modern businessman due to the rise of globalization. Schools around the world realize that language is a necessity for modern workers to be competitive and are adjusting their curriculum to meet these modern needs. For instance, in foreign countries, it is a common practice to first learn their native language and then after that, to take English classes since it is currently recognized as an international language. This puts them at a distinct advantage over people who do not speak multiple languages since they can participate in national as well as international affairs (Akay). The United States is a different story. There is an acute lack of emphasis on language in American schools, and the languages that they do teach (typically French, German, and Spanish) are rarely used after the student graduates. These languages, however, are not as important as they were at one time. Other languages should be taught as another option for students. Since China is the United States’ primary trading partner, it makes sense for students to have the option to learn Mandarin (Lapowsky). Languages spoken in other major trading countries such as India should be taught as well. These courses should be required for students to take so that America can share a common language with these countries as well as stay competitive on a global scale. Globalization is creating a world where learning a second language is a modern must. Language can open new doors for people, and now that cultural barriers are eroding, new languages have become more important and useful than ever before. To ensure that their students can grasp every opportunity that comes their way, schools need to require students to achieve proficiency in a second language. Since globalization is showing no signs of slowing, American Students need to buckle up and embrace the ride.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Faith in Young Goodman Brown Essay -- Young Goodman Brown YGB Nathanie

Faith in Young Goodman Brown In Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown," Hawthorne introduces Goodman Brown, who doubts himself and reiterates his false confidence to himself repeatedly. His struggle between the evil temptations, the devil, and the proper church abiding life, is a struggle he does not think he can handle. This story is about a man who challenges his faith in himself and in the community in which he resides. Goodman Brown must venture on a journey into the local forest, refuse the temptations of the devil, and return to the village before the sunrise.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story is set in the forest of Salem, Massachusetts, around the time of the witch trials. Goodman Brown is a Puritan, and Salem is a Puritan village appears to be a good Christian community in the beginning of the story. Hawthorne once again criticizes a Puritan community or the religious community of his time through this short story. In this short story, Hawthorne criticizes the Puritans who take the words of Bible without interpretation, and who believe they are pure but inside the evil resides just as in the people they persecute.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story begins with Goodman Brown leaving the house at sunset while his wife, Faith, trying to persuade Goodman to depart at sunrise. Brown starts his journey to the darkness that awaits for him in the forest where Puritans believe the devil lives. Hawthorne seems to be using many symbolisms in the story such as Goodman's wife Faith which symbolizes his real faith in God. Goodman leaves his faith behind him and set forth into his journey with his own strength and power. Although he felt guilty leaving his Faith back home in their early stage of marriage, he justifies this guilt by swearing that after this night he will "cling to her skirt and follow her to heaven." However, will there be another day for Goodman Brown to share his life with Faith? Although his faith, described with "pink ribbon," is sincere, pure, and innocent, is his will stong enough to walk though "a dreary road, darkened by all the gloomiest trees of the forest?" Goodman believes nothing can tempt his faith, not even a devil.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Upon entering the forest he is suspicious of every rock and tree, thinking something evil will jump out at him. A man waits for Goodman in the forest and then walks by Goodman's side. Although the narrator does not say this man is the ... ...en he reaches the final destination where whole community is there to participate in satanic acts, a little faith he has to the community and himself are completely destroyed. The devil has apparently infested all of the Puritan's souls with sin at least to the eyes of Goodman Brown. While he tries to help his wife Faith from the devil, he wakes up from imagination or dream in the forest wondering what has happened in the previous night. Whether the scenes he witnessed were real or his imagination, Goodman believes what he remembers and trusts no one in the village when he returns, not even his wife. Goodman seems to live the rest of his life with misery and distrust. In the beginning of the story, Goodman is a faithful man who is able to pass any temptation the devil gives him. He is happy with the community and his faith until his trip. Upon his discovery of Satanic acts of the community, he becomes an evil himself. When Goodman comes back he thinks he is better than the rest and judges everyone instantly. Young Goodman Brown fails the test of the devil completely not only because he loses his faith in living life, but also he has no hope after life since he became an evil.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Family Systems Essay

Family systems theory was founded by Dr. Murray Bowen. He suggested that the connections and reactions found within a family system creates interdependence on one another. He based his theory on the natural emotional connections with the family. He continued to build upon it as time went on. After Bowen there were several other theorists who used Bowen’s theory as a base, and built off of it. Bowen created his theory based on eight major concepts. They are as follows; Differentiation of Self, Nuclear Family Emotional System, Triangles, Family Projection Process, Multigenerational Transmission Process, Emotional Cutoff, Sibling Position, Societal Emotional Process. The core concept in Bowenian theory is Differentation of Self, this says that the more developed someone’s â€Å"self† is that less impact society and others will have on them. â€Å"The basic building blocks of a â€Å"self† are inborn, but an individual’s family relationships during childhood and adolescence primarily determine how much â€Å"self† he develops† ( This concept can be seen as a self-esteem issue. Bowen says that someone with a poor sense of self will quickly conform to others thought and opinions. While someone with a secure sense of â€Å"self† is able to keep that secure thorough social influences. He created a scale that meas ured differentiating self it was measured 0-100. 0-25 were the people with the lowest sense of self, these people liked to be â€Å"comfortable† and did so with self-sacrifice. While people above 60 were rare, they had an extreme sense of self, and were free from societal emotional control and did not control others. The second concept is, Nuclear Family Emotional System which is based on four basic relationship patterns;. marital conflict, dysfunction in one spouse, impairment in one or more children, and emotional distance. Marital conflict is caused by the externalizing of anxiety and emotions caused by family stress. Each spouse presents this in different ways but, the common behaviors include; need for control, knit picking, and resistance to each other. Marital conflict can lead to a breakdown in the family system as well as a marriage. Secondly, dysfunction in one spouse is when one spouse tries  to conform the other to think and act the way they do. The controlling spouse in this situation over bears the other spouse making them act and think in ways they may otherwise not. This can lead to anxiety, tension, and possibly psychiatric or mental dysfunction. Thirdly, impairment in one or more children, can cause excessive attention to the impaired child, causing them to act out and interna lize family tension more then the other children, because they feel like the spotlight is on them. The last relationship pattern is emotional distance. This is a basic pattern seen when the relationships within the family become to intense and people start to distance themselves to lessen the intensity of the relationship. The third concept is Triangles, which are a single relationship with three people involved. Triangles can be great when there is no tension, but can cause a break down in the family system when tension is present. Triangles in tension situations, have insiders and outsiders. The outsiders are trying to get in and the insiders are trying to get out. An example I found of this was a child whose parents were focusing on what was wrong with his so much that he started to rebel. He felt under so much pressure that he was trying to get â€Å"outside† the triangle to relieve some of the pressure. Triangles play an important role in family systems as well as in therapy. The fourth Bowenian concept is, Family projection process which is the process of the parents transmitting there emotional problems to the child. The projection process follows three steps. â€Å"(1) the parent focuses on a child out of fear that something is wrong with the child; (2) the parent interprets the child’s behavior as confirming the fear; and (3) the parent treats the child as if something is really wrong with the child.† ( This process can cause the child to feel insecure when attention is not focused on them. There are so many different situation that fall under this projection umbrella. An example could be, a mother feels depressed therefore, she feels the child is depressed and treats the child accordingly. This can also be seen in extreme cases where a mother favors a certain child, and the father sees the child-mother combination as one unit and take his anger towards the mother out on the child. The fifth concept is, Multigeneration al transmission process which says â€Å"how small differences in the levels of differentiation between parents and their offspring lead over many generations to marked differences in differentiation among the  members of a multigenerational family.† (Schara, Blog 2013) Bowen feels that the way people react to situations and relationships is based on a multigenerational transmission of behaviors and emotions. The sixth concept, Emotional cutoff, is simple. Simply speaking people emotionally cutoff other family members instead of resolving the conflicts within the relationship/s. The seventh concept, Sibling position, says that your birth order effects the way you view the world. Oldest siblings tend to be leaders, where youngest siblings tend to be followers. This isn’t always true because can be effected by parental emotions and behaviors. Bowen used psychologist Walter Toman’s research to help him form his theory on sibling position. Examples used; if an oldest sibling is focused on by the parents growing up, then they may not be able to take leadership or make their own decisions. This leaves the â€Å"leadership† role to the younger sibling therefore, putting them in the â€Å"oldest† leadership type role. Where people are in sibling position can effect their marriage, their parenting skills, and of course the family dynamics. The last concept in Bowenian theory is, societal emotional process. This concept tells us how the emotional system controls behavior on a societal level. This is similar to that within a family system, which can be progressive or regressive. Societies go through progressions and regressions constantly. If a society is going through a progression, or regression, it can effect the entire society including all of the major branches and boiling down into the individual family systems. All of these major concepts in Bowenian theory are based on the emotions and behaviors of each individual and their effects on the family system. Bowen was a big believer in the family being seen as one cohesive unit and working towards homeostasis. The basic techniques used in Family systems theory are; detriangulation, nonanxious presence, genograms, coaching, reframing, power differential, and the purser-distancer concept. All of these techniques are used to reach the common goal of homeostasis within the family system. In regards to Detriangualtion, this is when a therapist breaks up a triangular relationship between three people in the family. By having one person within the triangle take a stand on an issue, that is not agreed upon by the other two people in the triangle. Therefore, creating a sense of self within that one person and breaking the give and take relationship in the le. â€Å"In Bowenian family therapy, it is argued that a  conflict between two people will resolve itself in the presence of a third person who can avoid emotional participation with either while relating actively to both.† (Bowen 1978) As a Bowenion therapist you must take on the role of the non-anxious presence. This is when a therapist keeps a sense of calm throughout the session regardless of the circumstances. A non-anxious presence can bring peace to the family involved and help them to open up in session. A n anxious therapist can inflict unneeded chaos and stress for obvious reasons. A building block tool used in the Bowen Family Systems therapy is a genogram. When the family comes in for intake, most therapists will create a genogram. This is a multigenerational map of the family that documents mental illness, substance abuse, medical issues, relationships, and some events tied to specific family members. A genogram can give the therapist a sense of what they need to address within the family system. Family Systems theory uses coaching as a way to help the families through tough times, and provides them with tools to succeed as a family unit. Coaching can help by giving families a way to understand each others interworking’s and hopefully see each other through clearer light. The goal of coaching a family would be to establish a stronger sense of self while strengthening the family system. Reframing takes place when the family needs to change the way they look at each other or the unit as a whole. Reframing a relationship takes hard work but can bring about peace and reduce tension within the family. In order to reframe a relationship or many the therapist must reinterpret a families situation to make them more open to solution. â€Å"Reframing is a type of communication that can help family members better understand the concerns and intentions behind the misconstrued words.† (Jeanty, Jacqueline) An example of reframing, is a child who is constantly badgering their mother about quitting smoking. Once the situation is reframed it is easier to see that the child is scared and cares deeply about the mothers health, which is why they continued to badger. Power Differential,

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Internet and Suicide Essay

Millions of people in the developed countries have access to internet. This due to the high advancements in technological levels. High literacy levels have also contributed to the usage of internet coupled with growing needs and desire to get information. Internet is rising as America‘s most important source of information. (Alao, 1999) The increased affordability of personal computing in recent years has put computers in many homes across the nation. This availability has also driven the cost of internet access down so that many households can afford to subscribe to internet services at very low costs. This along with the vast amount of quality information available on the internet has led to increased internet usage. The internet has become handy and useful to find right information at one’s fingertips literally on anything from math formulas to the best way to kill oneself. (Baume, 1997) Suicide and Internet- Amount of information and How it Can Be Accessed The internet has become the invisible version of the real world where good and bad coexist. It is a small world except less strong regulations to hinder the detrimental effect of bad resources like those websites that provides encouragement for suicidal methods, and unprofessional advices on suicide. (Shaffer, 2000) It is amazing how easily one can access to more than 1,000,000 websites regarding suicide and information on how to kill oneself. Suicide is basically how a person gets encouraged to take his or her life. In simple terms, a person gets information on the easiest, fastest and may be painless methods that can be employed to kill his or herself. Internet is known to offer some advice on crude methods that can be used to kill oneself. The internet offers information as fast as possible and no one needs to know that you are intending to kill oneself. (Michel, 2000) Taking one’s life is usually a personal decision and internet offers personalized assistance. This is the main reason why many people turn to it when they require information on to how to commit suicide. Information can be accessed in the privacy of ones bedroom, cybercafes, or even in the office. No one needs to find out since it is silent advice though very powerful. Another reason why many people have turned to internet to seek information on how to commit suicide is availability of cheap and efficient internet networks and connections. To access internet is no longer an expensive or a cumbersome exercise. Besides that, one is assured that the information or advice given is confidential unless, of course, you divulge it to other people. (Michel, 2000) Young children and youth are usually the most curious lot and they always want to explore and find out more about what they hear. It is through such adventures, that they access information that has to do with suicide. There are some groups of people however who commit suicide without the intention of taking away their lives. It is only that curiosity gets the better of them. They try to experiment with the advice and information they get from internet oblivious of the deadly consequences. There were some children who committed suicide after they accessed information regarding Sadaam’s execution. This was a sad and unfortunate incident which can only be linked to cheap and available internet connections. (Etzersdorfer, 1998) Tackling the deaths which come as a result of internet connections is a challenging task. This is because there is no workable formula which has been devised so far to control the usage and internet access. Cybercafes are all over and people can always sneak in and browse some information and advice without anybody’s knowledge. It is becoming increasingly difficult to control people’s lives due to the increasing demands in the modern society. (Potter, 2000) Many organizations and institutions have subscribed to internet connections including homes. It is therefore not easy to control the usage of internet since it has also contributed to growth of other social economic and cultural factors. It also important to note that, the information contained in the websites cannot be easily censored. As a matter of fact, it has not been censored therefore, the amount of information that can be found in the internet cuts across the whole world. People are actually invited to comment or even add more information regarding suicide and therefore the people have more than enough methods of committing suicide to choose from. (Potter, 2000) Effects of Internet on Suicide The effects of internet on incidences of suicide are becoming overwhelming with every passing day. The report and incidents of suicide have been reported on the television, radio and even written on papers. (Phillips, 1974) The exposure of people on such media services has proved to have negative influences on the people exposed them. It has been reported that the people who are exposed to internet area more inclined to be involved in acts of suicide. There have been overwhelming and systematic reviews published by people and they reveal the saddening truth regarding incidents of suicide. For instance there have been manuals on suicide, literature and suicide and actual reports of suicides shown on the films. Despite the evidence from all these forms of media, the extent to which internet contributes to suicides is yet to be proved. (Baume, 1997) Most suicide cases are reported especially when the victims had collected very specific information on suicide. Such stories are portrayed prominently and dramatically. Internet has also led to mob psychology because the information collected can be distributed amongst friends. Many people have been reported to have committed suicide together in a group since the information was forwarded to each and every one of them. Most of the books and journals accessed on the internet have been easily trusted and exercised. The guidelines that a re presents are properly outlined and therefore they leave no doubt in the person accessing the information. (Etzersdorfer, 1998) The information appears to be given from a professional point of view. Besides that the methods portrayed are outlined in a procedural way and the degree of efficiency is seen to be very high False Advice Due to the increased reliance of people on information available on the internet, some authors have come up with false advice on the best and efficient procedures that one must follow to effectively commit suicide. Some people have been left paralyzed and mentally retarded after attempting suicide. This has been due to failed methods which did not achieve the end goal. (Potter, 2000) The information available has also been falsified and unsuspecting individuals go ahead to use the information since they have no means of checking the facts.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Rich and Poor Essay Example

Rich and Poor Essay Example Rich and Poor Essay Rich and Poor Essay The divide between the rich and the poor can be roughly divided into the rich north and the poor south. The north consists of first world countries like the USA, England and France. The south consists of third world countries like India, Kenya and Brazil. The jobs available in third world countries are mainly in shoe or clothe factories. In these places workers are treated as a commodity. Christians believe this is wrong and Christian aid agencies like CAFOD aim to get fair working hours and wages for these people. They also help towns and villages to build their own wells and schools. Without these agencies the rich would get richer and the poor would get poorer.A recent example of the third world being exploited is the case of the Brazilian shoe makers. In the case of Leo she has been working in a shoe factory for seven years and like all workers is paid a meagre wage for work that could be hazardous to health. Christian aid agencies strive to rectify this problem by campaigning fo r fair wages and sensible working conditions for those employed by shoe manufacturers. However one of the problems with the workforce is the fact that if one employee makes a stand they are fired, there are always many more willing workers to take the persons place.Christians feel that this is very unfair as the worker is only standing up for their rights as a citizen of humanity. Leo says, I really want workers to be valued and not treated as commodities which can be discarded. Without us no shoes would be made, yet our own children dont even wear shoes! One day I hope to see all workers receiving a just wage and not being humiliated.In 1948 the UN (United Nations) declared these basic human rights:* Everyone has the right to attend attend meetings and join associations (trade unions).* Everyone has the right to work under just and favourable conditions.* Everyone has the right to equal pay for equal work.* Everyone has the right to fair pay to enable him/her and his/her family to live with self-respect.Employment is a basic need for everybody because people who are employed are paid and people need money to buy food and shelter for themselves and their families. Without those basic requirements we would die so is it fair that these people are forced to nearly kill themselves working so they can survive? Christians also ask this question and to rectify this problem they help to build buildings and show people how to grow their own crops using more modern methods. This makes the third world more self-sufficient and so they are not relying on jobs in the factories so much. Christians believe that every single human being is made in the image of God. The factory managers by destroying people from the inside out are effectively destroying a part of God that should be treated with respect like God intended for all his creations.In the Bible we are taught that to enter in to eternal life we must sell all we have and give everything to the poor. All these rich facto ry owners are giving the poor is inadequate wages and health problems, whether physical or emotional. These workers are being enslaved virtually because they cant do anything about it. The Bible tells us that all people are equal in the eyes of God however some are choosing to ignore this and are ignoring the needs of the poor. In the story of the rich man and Lazarus we are told that the rich man went to Hell because he did not help the poor. He didnt go to Hell because he treated Lazarus badly but because he ignored his needs as a human being. Christians are taught that they should help those less fortunate and those in distress because it is the right thing to do and otherwise they will go to Hell. It is every humans right to live under favourable conditions and Christians believe that everyone should help those that arent.Christians try to emulate Jesus as closely as possible in their daily lives. Jesus was very poor and was so since his birth in a stable. Christians try to live as he did by giving all they have to charities that can then help those in need. Perhaps Jesus would be shocked, if he came back in the twentieth century, by Christians giving to charities rather than directly helping those in need. However I do not think Jesus would have a problem with this as he taught that everyone should be equal and the charities are helping those in need.Some Christians are so involved in helping the poor that a movement called Liberation Theology has emerged. This is a group of people that believe the Gospel tells us to fight actively against the oppression of the poor. Such people include Archbishop Oscar Romero. He spoke out against the abuse of human rights in his sermons and was eventually assassinated in 1980 by four masked gunmen during one of his sermons. His last words were May Christs sacrifice give us the courage to offer our own bodies for justice and peace.Jesus was not a political figure in the normal sense, however he did hold some extremely po litical views. Jesus did not openly challenge the government in, for example, a debate but did fight for people freedom and rights as human beings. He did challenge the government but from the homes of the people. He did everything from the peoples perspective, so he knew exactly what was wrong where. Jesus fought against the poverty of the people and the ignorance of those in power but only through words. Jesus never resorted to violence and even taught that fighting was wrong. Christians realise this and do not fight against the government physically but instead use words and peaceful protests to make themselves heard and understood. However this isnt always enough in the modern world and some Christians ignore the teachings and use violence instead but only as a last resort. These people are known by some as terrorists, by others as freedom fighters it depends on whom theyre fighting.Some Christians are members of organisations such as CAFOD Christian Agency For Overseas Developm ent. Organisations such as these rely on the support of people in general, not just Christians to donate money. CAFOD has many campaigns for fair trading and equal rights. CAFOD has a game called Trading Trainers. By playing this game people are encouraged to think about how much money hard workers in the third world are being cheated out of. By doing this CAFOD encourages us to take a more active part in campaigning for fair pay. CAFOD also pesters big companies to sell products at a price that will give the workers a fair wage and encourages manufacturers to adopt codes of conduct which will improve working conditions and Christians state of mind.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Problems of Pollution essays

The Problems of Pollution essays I think that pollution is a serious and growing problem throughout the world today. Pollution is the contamination of the earths environment with materials that interfere with human health, the quality of life, and natural functioning of living things and their surroundings. Although some environmental pollution is a result of natural causes, most of it is caused by human activities; therefore I believe that humans have created a problem which should be taken care of before other things. There are two main categories of polluting materials, or pollutants, biodegradable and nondegradable. Biodegradable pollutants are materials, such as sewage, that rapidly decompose by natural processes. These pollutants become a problem when added to the environment faster than they can decompose. Nondegradable pollutants are materials that either do not decompose or decompose very slowly into the natural environment. Once contamination occurs, it is difficult or impossible to remove these pollutants from the environment. Pollution has a dramatic effect on natural resources. Ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, coral reefs, and rivers perform many important services for the earths environment. They enhance water and air quality, provide habitat for plants and animals, and provide food and medicines. Any or all of these ecosystem functions may be seriously impaired or destroyed by pollution. Moreover, because of the complex relationships among the many types of organisms and ecosystems, environmental contamination may have far-reaching consequences that are not immediately obvious or easy to predict. For example, the use of aerosols, which contain chemicals called CFCs, can damage the ozone layer. Destruction of the ozone layer is predicted to cause increases in skin cancer and cataracts, damage to certain crops and to plankton and the marine food web, and an increase in carbon dioxide due to the decre ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Decomposition Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Decomposition - Lab Report Example Nutrient is beef broth plus yeast. Beech (fagus): - belongs to the family fagaceae. Leaves are entirely or sparsely toothed, 5 - 15 cms long and 4- 10 cm broad. Rate of decomposition is faster due to low lignin content, which is a decay resistant. Decay of leaves can be estimated by the change in 1. Their mass 2. Quality (which is calculated as ratio of C: N of decayed dry material. 3. Their chemical content. 4. Changes in soil or water, which act as medium. 5. Linear wave equation Wt = Wo - Kt where Wt = mass observed after specific time period, Wo = initial weight, K = decay constant. PAGE 2PREDICTION Rate of decomposition will increase with increase in temperature and will be negligible at very high and very low temperatures. METHODAgar jelly and mini-petri dishes were used. The agar had no feed in it. It was only used as a Base to keep the leaf circles in place. The leaf circles would act as food for the microbes to Grow on. To test different temperatures 5C, 20C, 30C and 65C were used. In each dish 10 leafcircles were put . Each leaf circle had a diameter of 5mm. To make sure that thisexperiment was safe, the lid was cello taped and wasn't opened till the experiment was over .The leaf circles were then observed during a 4-week period. Any change in size of the leafMaterial could be measured.Graph paper was put behind each petri dish when optimal temperature for microbial activity is between 35 to 45 degree C. Agar: - it is a phycocolloid extracted from red purple marine algae, which belong to class rhodophyceae. Agar is a gel at room temperature and remains firm at as high as 65 degree C. Nutrient agar will grow the largest number of different types of microbes fungi and bacteria. Nutrient is beef broth plus yeast. Beech (fagus): - belongs to the family fagaceae. Leaves are entirely or sparsely toothed, 5 - 15 cms long and 4- 10 cm broad. Rate of decomposition is faster due to low lignin content, which is a decay resistant. Based on the results above it can be said that decomposition at extreme high and extreme low temperatures is zero and the decay process increases with increase in temperature as depicted in the temperature vs. mean diameter graph. There is minimal or no microbial activity at extreme temperatures. There fore the process of decay is slow at such temperatures. Decaying process tends to be faster at warmer temperatures as it facilitates microbial growth therefore as the temperature increases the decayi9ng process also increases. 7. NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS: Adequate numbers of observations were not made. Instead of increasing the number of dishes to 10, less number of dishes should have been used and observations made at more frequent temperatures so that optimal temperature could be calculated, 8.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Addictions in the 21st Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Addictions in the 21st Century - Essay Example It started in the 19th century. Addiction 2 is a compulsion to substance abuse that causes major problems in the society. Addiction 3 results into dependency especially when one becomes addicted to specific activities and behaviors. Finally, addiction 4 is seen when an individual engages in activities repeatedly; however, such activities are harmless. Addiction is common in the 21st century because people fail to concentrate on a single habit. Instead, they are obsessed by various activities such as video games, chartroom, internet, emailing, watching pornography, and using cell phones. In addition, the high rate of addiction in the 21st century is caused by the inability of the media to educate people on the dangers of addiction. This is because they reassure people using humored indications that glorify addiction. Most people in the 21st century are restless and dissatisfied. They participate in activities such as surfing, watching pornography, gambling, playing computer games, abu se of substances. These activities usually lead to dependence. People in the 21st century feel that they lack connections and relationships in their life. They prefer to address the emptiness with activities that lead to addiction. The 21stcentury is characterized by several activities that cause stress. This makes people to engage in processes that lead to addiction.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Assessment of The Current Economic Situation in the US Essay

Assessment of The Current Economic Situation in the US - Essay Example This essay offers a brief informative review of the developments in the US economy after the financial crisis of 2008. The United States economy growth rate has declined considerably, after the economic crisis. The number of unemployed persons remains high. The slowing economic growth remains a concern due to the negative impacts it has had on the GDP. United States is considered to have the most technologically advanced economy with an approximated GDP of about $48, 000. The private sector dominates the economic sector with the government purchasing most of its goods and services from the private sector. One of the major disasters facing United States is the high level of unemployment, which is attributable to the 2008-2009 economic recessions. The economic recession is considered to be the worst economic crisis after the great depression. About 8.3% people remain unemployed within the U.S. The number increased after the 2008 recession as most companies tried to reduce their workforce as an attempt to counteract the inflation. In the attempt to offset the increased unemployment, the federal government enacted the American Jobs Act. The Act aimed at creating ways to prevent the slowed economic growth The United States financial sector remains fragile with increasing budget deficits. The gross domestic product remains delicate. Attempts to cut down on financial spending affected the revenues negatively. The slowed economic growth has the disadvantage of subsequent increase in unemployment but diminished possibility of inflation.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Substance abuse Essay Example for Free

Substance abuse Essay Substance abuse is the manner in which the use of a specific drug is used that is outside the specified usage. For instance drug abuse, drug addiction and chemical dependency all point to the same i. e. abuse. Hence the use of drugs or chemicals outside the specifications prescribed by the doctor or the norms followed in society is all a definition for substance abuse. When someone uses drugs or chemicals in a manner that is not prescribed by the doctor, then, there are symptoms that mostly follow the use. They mostly vary depending on the substance used. The common types of a person who has an abuse on any substance are:†¢ There is significant impairment or distress in the person that will always show in a period of about 12 months; †¢ There is physical hazard to the user where for instance the person is supposed to operate machines; †¢ There is also failure to be able to perform specific tasks like at school or at work hence poor output that is one cannot fully concentrate. †¢ The person might also become an enemy to the law hence display oneself in a conduct that is not impressive to the society; †¢ Lack of control to the emotions or cannot be one who keeps good relationship with close family or friend; †¢ Alcohol causes sedation and relief of anxiety when used in high consumptions there is slurred speech, ataxia, impaired judgment, and disinherited behavior. The person in picture here being an actress in the SHERRYBABY has been portrayed as being a nuisance to the public and also to the workmates. This seen so because she has been in prison due to the use of heroin. In specific acts in her movie, she tries to also show the steps that any addict of any illegal substance might be able to follow. For instance in one of the movies she follows the track where an addict does i.e. her ability is totally shuttered when she portrays where she drops of a hat, she makes Sherry Swanson turn from sexual to vulnerable, violent to passive, indifferent to invested, self-assured to insecure. Through it all, she is endearing enough to win over even the most ignorant viewers the kind who shields their eyes when in real-life Sherry’s pass them on the street. Chronic alcohol consumption profoundly affects the function of several vital organs, particularly the liver and the nervous, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular systems. Ethanol has direct toxicity. In addition, since it is a very weak drug that requires concentrations, thousands of times higher than other misused drugs (e. g. , cocaine, opiates, and amphetamines) to produce its intoxicating effects, it is often consumed in quantities large enough to qualify it as a food. Consumption of large amounts of alcohol increases the mortality rate of any consumer, though light to moderate drinkers have a chance of having between changing the habit or also increasing the chances too (Linda A.Mooney, David Knox, Caroline Schacht, 2005). Deaths linked to alcohol use are caused by the cancerous diseases, liver failure suicidal wishes and accidents when driving and the use of machines. In most cases, the drunken take this alcohol with an aim of forgetting their problems, some take alcohol to raise their sexual urge and ability to work. However, according to research, excessive abuse of alcohol does not help one to forget his or her own problems. This is a fact that most drug abuse victims do not have an idea about. In the Sherry Baby movie, this is clearly brought about when Sherry Swanson turn from sexual to vulnerable, violent to passive, indifferent to invested, self-assured to insecure. There are so many effects of the use of illegal substances but the following are the effects that are encountered by the user. They are: 1. Tolerance and physical dependence -The consumption of alcohol in high doses over a long period results in tolerance and in physical and psychological dependence. That is, the victim is not in a position to make independent decisions or handle a situation on his own. 2. Neurotoxicity- Consumption of large amounts of alcohol over extended periods (usually years) can also lead to neurological deficits. That is, some body functions will not take place normally. 3. Cardiovascular System: Alcohol alters the cardiovascular system in many ways. Heavy alcohol consumption of long duration is associated with a dilated cardiomyopathy with ventricular hypertrophy and fibrosis. 4. Blood: Alcohol indirectly affects hematopoiesis through metabolic and nutritional effects and may also directly inhibit the proliferation of all cellular elements in bone marrow. The most common hematological disorder seen in chronic drinkers is mild anemia resulting from alcohol-related folic acid deficiency. 5. Endocrine System and Electrolyte Balance: Chronic alcohol use has important effects on the endocrine system and on mineral and fluid and electrolyte balance. 6. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Chronic maternal alcohol abuse during pregnancy is associated with important teratogenic effects on the offspring. Therefore, pregnant mothers are not allowed to consume this substance. 7. Immune System: Alcoholics have a higher than normal rate of infection and are especially prone to respiratory infections such as pneumonia and tuberculosis. This is the reason why most of the cough during cold seasons. 8. Increased Risk of Cancer: Chronic alcohol use increases the risk for cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, and liver. Reference Thomson Wadsworth (2006) Understanding Social Problems; Wadsworth Publishing. Page 161-186.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Gothic Fiction Essay -- Literary Analysis, Jane Eyre

Introduction Since the 18th century, Gothic Fiction has become a famous genre. As its popularity has increased during the decades it is still a well-known and much appreciated theme nowadays. Whereas many female authors were restricted to feminist novels and had the reputation of being unable to compose works valuable for everyone, the onset of Gothic writing bore a whole new prospect for them (Heiland 1-8). A famous example for such female authors is Charlotte Brontà «. When she wrote Jane Eyre in 1847 she enqueued herself to the list of successful women of that genre. Even though Jane Eyre contains several aspects of the classic Gothic novel it differs in the font of the uncanny. Whilst novels such as Frankenstein, The Picture of Dorian Gray or Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde allude to a supernatural matter and maintain surreal, Jane Eyre originates from an earthly reason. In this paper a brief definition shall be given of what Gothic Fiction is. The main part will deal with the Gothic elements within Jane Eyre in chronological order. In a final step special attention will be given to the uncanny as it is found during several incidents within Thornfield Hall and why it is different from the classic Gothic. This will be done with special attention to the character of Bertha Mason – the protagonist when it comes to the Gothic aspect of the novel. Gothic Fiction Gothic Fiction is a literary field which emerged in the late 18th century. When it comes to defining its genesis, a precise point in time can hardly be given. Depending on the definition of what Gothic Fiction is, several literary periods bear elements of Gothic – from ancient prose to Shakespearean works, from post-medieval to post-Renaissance. However, the most defined pe... ...extinguished, Jane and Mr. Rochester are able to spend their lives together and to restore peace. She was both a symbol and the reason herself for the burdens which especially Mr. Rochester carried during his life. Without her having died there would have been no way for Jane and Rochester to lead a prosperous consolidated life. Conclusion Jane Eyre indeed is a Gothic novel which shares a great deal of characteristics with the most famous Gothics. Still, its content and reason are beyond surreal factors. It incorporates mysteries and myths and some veritable supernatural happenings. Especially the real, psychological and social origins of the character's fears are the root of emotions and fears haunting the characters. Jane Eyre is a perfect sample for the challenges one has to face in life and the way they obsess one's thoughts and limit the ability to proceed.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Primary Education In Malaysia Education Essay

Primary instruction in Malaysia is under the legal power of the Ministry of Education. It is the goverment duty to give a formal instruction towards kids. Usualy, in Malaysia the mandatory instruction Begin at the age of seven. To do certain that the pupil has improve on their instruction, it is been set that pupil have to sit for public scrutiny at the terminal of primary instruction to continue to the higher degree of instruction. In Malaysia, there are alterations in course of study of instruction. It starts with the Old Primary School Curriculum before 1982 so it alter into New Primary School Curriculum and now instruction in Malaysia is utilizing Standard Primary School Curriculum. Old Primary School Curriculum ( KLSR ) start since Malaya gained independency. Rahman Talib Report the capable reappraisal commission has been established to reexamine the national instruction policy as proposed in the Razak Report that has been established to reexamine the national instruction policy as proposed in the Razak Report that has been made on 1956 and early instruction policy before the 1957 Education Ordinance. There are three phases of instruction system on this course of study. In this course of study, the purpose is to learn all the pupils on how to read and compose. Students had been examined to cognize their ability. Based on Rahman Talib Report, all pupils must go through in Bahasa Melayu paper. On 1979, Old Primary School Curriculum ( KLSR ) has been change into New Primary School Curriculum ( KBSR ) . This is because the cabinet commission has found that Old Primary School Curriculum ( KLSR ) have it failing in many ways. Such as, the course of study has been rep eated and does non hold connexion towards each other. In footings of course of study it is rather a batch and it make the pupils felt bored. Besides, the course of study activities that have been done had been teach individually from the course of study and does non hold any connexion with the formal instruction. New Primary School Curriculum ( KBSR ) has been made due to the alterations that had been made by the study of the cabinet commission in execution of Education Policy issued in 1979. New Primary School Curriculum ( KBSR ) has been launched to the full in 1983. The of import aim of New Primary School Curriculum ( KBSR ) is to do certain that the pupils appreciate and master the Malay linguistic communication as the national linguistic communication and as a tool for solidarity with satisfaction. It besides focused on emphasizes command of basic accomplishments of reading, composing and arithmetic ( 3M ) . New Primary School Curriculum ( KBSR ) besides focused on the pupils holistic in footings of physical, emotion, religious, rational and societal. New Primary School Curriculum ( KBSR ) had been divided into three basic field ; communicating, humanity with the environment and field of self-development. Standard Primary School Curriculum ( KSSR ) were produce to reorganise and better the bing course of study to guarantee that pupils are provided with the cognition, accomplishments and relevant values to the current demands and challenges of the twenty-first century. The purpose of execution Standard Primary School Curriculum ( KSSR ) replacing the New Primary School Curriculum ( KBSR ) is to increase pupil involvement in the English topic. In Standard Primary School Curriculum ( KSSR ) , there are six spikes of course of study that has been design, that is communicating, religious, attitude and value, humanistic disciplines, physical and aesthetic development of scientific discipline and engineering proficiency ego. This course of study are utilizing course of study criterions papers and the design of the course of study is modular. There are two phase in the course of study administration and Standard Primary School Curriculum ( KSSR ) besides concentrating on get the hanging readi ng, composing, mathematics and concluding ( 4M ) every bit good as basic accomplishments and information engineering ( ICT ) . In decision, the Ministry of Education ever tried the best to better the instruction systems in Malaysia particularly from the first phase, which is in primary school. Teachers and pupils have to understand and seeking their best to give the cooperation with the construction course of study that has been made by the ministry of instruction. Primary instruction is a really good starting motor to develop the kids to be the best among the best by utilizing the course of study of instruction in Malaysia.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nano Robots Essay

ABSTRACT: Nanorobotics is the technology of creating machines or robots at or close to the microscopic scale of a nanometer (10−9 meters). More specifically, nanorobotics refers to the still largely hypothetical nanotechnology engineering discipline of designing and building nanorobots, devices ranging in size from 0.1-10 micrometers and constructed of nanoscale or molecular components. As no artificial non-biological Nanorobots have yet been created, they remain a hypothetical concept. The names nanobots, nanoids, nanites or nanomites have also been used to describe these hypothetical devices. INTRODUCTION: There are pressing needs in biological research today: the cost of getting new drugs to market is estimated to be 1$ billion by 2015, time to market has increased and failure rates remain shockingly high. Illnesses such as cancer,neurodegenerative diseases and cardiovascular diseases continue to ravage people around the world. The broad field of nanomedicine seeks to address many of these needs in biology, creating the not so quite as broad discipline of nanobiotechnology. In the last decade, progress in developing nano sized hybrid therapeutics and drug delivery systems has been remarkable. These nanoscale and often multicomponent constructs can be seen as the first nanomedicines, already bringing clinical benefits. A good flow of related technologies is also in development. But are these ‘Nanomedicines’ really new? The educated answer is ‘not really’. The concepts of antibody-conjugates, liposomes and polymer-conjugates stem from the 1970s. At first, they were seen as competing technologies; only one would emerge as a ‘magic bullet’ for all drugtargeting applications. But each has advantages and disadvantages. Antibodies have exquisite potential for selective targeting but, even as humanized proteins, can be immunogenic. Liposomes have high drug-carrying capacity, but can either release drug too quickly or entrap it too strongly and are prone to capture by the reticuloendothelial system (RES), even when polymer coated. Similarly, it is  hard to steer nanoparticles away from the RES after intravenous injection. The ideal delivery system often merges benefits of two or more technologies. As we mark the birth of nanomedicine, it is worth reflecting on the revolution it could bring to healthcare. It is essential that benefits of genomics and proteomics research and advances in drug delivery, are quickly harnessed to realize improvements in diagnosis and therapy. Nanotechnology is already making a key contribution, but this is just the start. There are opportunities to design nanosized, bioresponsive systems able to diagnose and then deliver drugs (theranostics), and systems able to promote tissue regeneration and repair (in disease, trauma and ageing), circumventing chemotherapy. These ideas may seem like science fiction, but to dismiss them would be foolish. Risks and benefits must be addressed carefully to yield useful and safe technologies. An interdisciplinary approach will ensure that the exciting potential of nano medicine’s many facets will be a practical reality in the foreseeable future. The tightly-integrated interdisciplinary team of medical researchers, pharmaceutical scientists, physicists, chemists, and chemical engineers, has an extensive range of expertise to facilitate research on nanomedicine.The long term goal is the development of novel and revolutionary bio molecular machine components that can be assembled and form multi-degree-offreedom nanodevices that will apply forces and manipulate objects in the nanoworld, transfer information from the nano to the macro world, and travel in the nanoenvironment. These machines are expected to be highly efficient, controllable, economical in mass production, and fully operational with minimal supervision. These ultraminiature robotic systems and nano-mechanical devices will be the biomolecular electro-mechanical hardware of future biomedical applications(IGERT). NANOROBOTS: WHAT ARE THEY? Nanorobots are theoretical microscopic devices measured on the scale of nanometers (1nm equals one millionth of 1 millimeter). When fully realized from the hypothetical stage, they would work at the atomic, molecular and cellular level to perform tasks in both the medical and industrial fields that have heretofore been the stuff of science fiction. Nanomedicine’s nanorobots are so tiny that they can easily traverse the human body.  Scientists report the exterior of a nanorobot will likely be constructed of carbon atoms in a diamondoid structure because of its inert properties and strength. Super-smooth surfaces will lessen the likelihood of triggering the body’s immune system, allowing the nanorobots to go about their business unimpeded. Glucose or natural body sugars and oxygen might be a source for propulsion and the nanorobot will have other biochemical or molecular parts depending on its task. Nanomachines are largely in the researchand-development phase [1], but some primitive molecular machines have been tested. An example is a sensor having a switch approximately . DISADVANTAGES †¢ The initial design cost is very high. †¢ The design of the nanorobot is a very complicated one. †¢ Electrical systems can create stray fields which may activate bioelectric-based molecular recognition systems in biology. †¢ Electrical nanorobots are susceptible to electrical interference from external sources such as rf or electric fields, EMP pulses, and stray fields from other in vivo electrical devices. †¢ Hard to Interface, Customize and Design, Complex †¢ Nanorobots can cause a brutal risk in the field of terrorism. The terrorism and anti groups can make use of nanorobots as a new form of torturing the communities as nanotechnology also has the capability of destructing the human body at the molecular level. †¢ Privacy is the other potential risk involved with Nanorobots. As Nanorobots deals with the designing of compact and minute devices, there are chances for more eavesdropping than that already exists. Nanotechnology as a diagnostic and treatment tool for patients with cancer and diabetes showed how actual developments in new manufacturing technologies are enabling innovative works which may help in constructing and employing nanorobots most effectively for biomedical problems. Nanorobots applied to medicine hold a wealth of promise from eradicating disease to reversing the aging process (wrinkles, loss of bone mass and age-related conditions are all treatable at the cellular level); nanorobots are also candidates for industrial applications. They will provide personalised treatments with improved efficacy and reduced side  effects that are not available today. They will provide combined action– drugs marketed with diagnostics, imaging agents acting as drugs, surgery with instant diagnostic feedback. The advent of molecular nanotechnology will again expand enormously the effectiveness, comfort and speed of future medical treatments while at the same time significantly reducing their risk, cost, and invasiveness. This science might sound like a fiction now, but Nanorobotics has strong potential to revolutionize healthcare, to treat disease in future. It opens up new ways for vast, abundant research work. Nanotechnology will change health care and human life more profoundly than other developments.Consequently they will change the shape of the industry, broadening the product development and marketing interactions between Pharma, Biotech, Diagnostic and Healthcare industries. Future healthcare will make use of sensitive new diagnostics for an improved personal risk assessment. Highest impact can be expected if those major diseases are addressed first, which impose the highest burden on the aging population: cardiovascular diseases, cancer, musculoskeletal conditions, neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases, diabetes, and viral infections. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences Nanomedicine holds the promise to lead to an earlier diagnosis, better therapy and improved follow up care, making the health care more effective and affordable. Nanomedicine will also allow a more personalised treatment for many diseases, exploiting the in-depth understanding of diseases on a molecular level. CONCLUSION: Nanotechnology as a diagnostic and treatment tool for patients with cancer and diabetes showed how actual developments in new manufacturing technologies are enabling innovative works which may help in constructing and employing nanorobots most effectively for biomedical problems. Nanorobots applied to medicine hold a wealth of promise from eradicating disease to reversing the aging process (wrinkles, loss of bone mass and age-related conditions are all treatable at the cellular level); nanorobots are also candidates for industrial applications. They will provide personalised treatments with improved efficacy and reduced side effects that  are not available today. They will provide combined action – drugs marketed with diagnostics, imaging agents acting as drugs, surgery with instant diagnostic feedback. The advent of molecular nanotechnology will again expand enormously the effectiveness, comfort and speed of future medical treatments while at the same time significantly reducing theirrisk, cost, and invasiveness. This science might sound like a fiction now, but Nanorobotics has strong potential to revolutionize healthcare, to treat disease in future. It opens up new ways for vast, abundant research work. Nanotechnology will change health care and human life more profoundly han other developments. Consequently they will change the shape of the industry, broadening the product development and marketing interactions between Pharma, Biotech, Diagnostic and Healthcare industries. Future healthcare will make use of sensitive new diagnostics for an improved personal risk assessment.