Tuesday, May 5, 2020

John Steinbecks Style Essay Sample free essay sample

Steinbeck is recognized as one of the America’s best short-story authors. Steinbeck wrote 32 books throughout his life. He is so celebrated and well-known they made a Museum after him. The National Steinbeck Center. He besides won many awards from his plants. Including. the Commonwealth of California Gold Medal for Tortilla Flats in 1935. This novel was his first widely known novel. In 1938 the book Of Mice and Men. was awarded the New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award for the narrative of two farm workers seeking land of their ain. Besides. Steinbeck’s novels can be classified as societal novels covering with economic jobs. Such as his book Grapes of Wrath. this book earned him the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1940. Steinbeck is noted for his crisp. forceful parlance. dry wit. and profound compassion for the hapless. the inarticulate. and the politically oppressed. Another award that he earned was The Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962. Overall. Steinbeck has great novels and keeps the reader interested with the strong secret plans and complex characters. One book that I read from John Steinbeck that was merely late was Of Mice and Men. The narrative was these two cats seeking to win the American Dream. Their dream was to ain land/farm. This shows symbolism in that the dream farm of George and Lennie could stand for the American Dream and at the clip this dream was disillusioned with the thought of the Great Depression and how many could non in fact achieve their dream. The reader knew that something would forestall the two work forces from obtaining their dream. Symbolism is a Literary Device that John uses in most of his books. Besides to happen Steinbeck in his book is how close the scene is from his existent house. The book’s scene was South of Soledad. California. Soledad is 30 stat mis off from Steinbeck’s place topographic point. Salinas. California. Steinbeck besides uses boding throughout the narrative. An illustration is. when Lennie reveals he has a dead mouse in his pocket. George inquiries him. â€Å"Uh-uh. Jus’ a dead mouse. George. I didn’t kill it. Honest! I found it. I found it dead† ( 5 ) this foreshadows the decease of Lennie’s puppy and the decease of Curley’s married woman. â€Å"The best-laid strategies of mice and work forces go oft awry† By Robert Burns means that even the best programs of mice and work forces could travel incorrect really easy. This means that George and Lennie’s dream didn’t go as planned. Another book made by John Steinbeck was The Red Pony. The scene is a spread in the California mountains ; Salinas. California. The subject is Jody’s coming-of-age. and besides his altering relationship with his male parent. love. and loss of artlessness. Jody receives a gift by his male parent that symbolizes love and duty. Jody named the Equus caballus Gabilan. for Steinbeck lived near the Gabilan Mountains so that helped him pick out the name of the Equus caballus. This book shows boding excessively. â€Å"Jody looked along the farm edifices. He felt an uncertainness in the air. a feeling of alteration and of loss and of the addition of new and unfamiliar things† ( Steinbeck 4 ) . This foreshadows the decease of Gabilan and subsequently ( in â€Å"The Promise† ) the birth of a new colt. Another literary device used is Simile. â€Å"He [ Jody ] was merely a small male child. ten old ages old. with hair like dust-covered xanthous grass†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( Steinbeck 2 ) . In the narrative Gabilan dies by catching a bad cold and the Equus caballus escapes the farm one dark and dies. John Steinbeck had the thought to do him ill because of his female parent which was deceasing of effects of a shot. One of the greatest books of John Steinbeck is the Grapes of Wrath. He wrote the book during the Great Depression. The book tells the truth about what happens in the great depression. It shows how the tone is plaintive. and sympathetic. The black drouth of the 1930s forces husbandmans to migrate west to California and Steinbeck uses realistic things in this novel such as Tom Joad’s urge to react to hardship and catastrophe by concentrating on one’s ain demands and the urge to put on the line one’s safety by working for a common good. Tom’s urge is to do life better and make what it takes to do it better. Agriculturists from the West accused Steinbeck of beliing their attitude toward migrators. This book’s usage of profanity and the obscene stoping was burned when it was foremost published. For illustration in a descriptive scene. a auto hits and destroys Joads’ Canis familiaris ( symbolic of the agony that lies in front for the household ) . A adult male bashes in Casy’s caput. and Tom avenges Casy by viciously crushing the adult male. This all show some type of imagination because you picture what’s occurrence in the book. John Steinbeck uses literary devices as simile. personification. and boding. â€Å"In the forenoon the dust hung like fog. and the Sun was every bit ruddy as mature new blood† ( p6 ) this is an illustration of a simile. For personification. â€Å"The fire leaped and threw shadows on the house† ( p68 ) The household rescued by the benevolent alien at the terminal of Chapter 9 foreshadows the â€Å"rescuing† of the Ha rriet wilsons by the Joads in the following chapter. This book has so many realistic events that really happened. but it’s a fiction book.

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