Monday, May 25, 2020

Let Me Make A Declaration Of Modesty - 874 Words

Before I begin, let me make a declaration of modesty. I am, by no account, a legal expert, and, at this point, having a career as illustrious and fruitful as President Garrett’s is a mere dream. She is, of course, far more intelligent, informed, and experienced than I in matters relating to law and, in particular, the Supreme Court of the United States, and it is for this reason that I write this article not in criticism, but in genuine confusion. During the Question Answer portion of the September 18th faculty panel discussion regarding â€Å"Democracy Inequality,† President Garrett and Professor Robert H. Frank, management and economics, criticized the Supreme Court’s holding in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) that the First Amendment permits independent corporate political expenditures. President Garrett and Professor Frank chastised the ruling for its pernicious consequences on American democracy. Professor Frank derisively highlighted the ruling’s establishment of corporate personhood, and President Garrett pondered how the five-justice majority (Roberts; Scalia; Kennedy, opinion author; Thomas; Alito) could possibly have concluded that unrestricted political donations would not inherently precipitate bribery, for which there exists, in the President’s words, a â€Å"compelling State interest† to prevent. Ultimately, the general panel consensus was twofold: Citizens United was wrongly decided, and the case should be overturned. First, ProfessorShow MoreRelatedIn Jane Austen’s Persuasion love and family is a major thing I learned to see and control just1300 Words   |  6 Pagesnever forgave Anne for breaking his heart. He flirted with other women in front of Anne to make her jealous, typical man right? Is it mans nature to forget the woman he loves sooner than woman forgets man? 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The audience can see the error that beset Oedipus, and see his living state of mind as reflected in themselves; they empathize with him in his moral decline.    Aristotle’s analysis admits that the tragic flaw in OedipusRead More Mythology in Oedipus Rex Essay examples4094 Words   |  17 Pagesproblem, which is admirably presented in this individual shape(31).    The Homeric myth provides the story of the fall of a man from prosperity to adversity. Sophocles takes the myth and dramatizes it in such a way that every word and action makes an impact on the audience. The audience can see the error that beset Oedipus, and see his living state of mind as reflected in themselves; they empathize with him in his moral decline.    Aristotle’s analysis admits that the tragic flaw in OedipusRead More Destiny, Fate, Free Will and Free Choice in Oedipus the King3894 Words   |  16 PagesDelphi, addresses a brief prayer to King Apollo as the ultimate source of assistance in time of trial: â€Å"O King Apollo! may his joyous looks /Be presage of the joyous news he brings!† Creon brings to Thebes the message of the gods from the oracle: â€Å"Let me report then all the god declared. /King Phoebus bids us straitly extirpate /A fell pollution that infests the land, /And no more harbor an inveterate sore.†    The gods know that Oedipus is a â€Å"pollution,† a â€Å"sore,† which must be gotten ridRead More Dramatic Irony in Oedipus Rex Essay3192 Words   |  13 Pagesto be grossly inappropriate to the actual circumstances, or expects the opposite of what we know that fate holds in store, or says something that anticipates the actual outcome, but not aat all in the way that the character intends†(137).    Let us explore that feature in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex.      From the very outset of the tragedy, Sophocles relies on heavy irony. 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Brick proudly proclaims Maggie laid down the law to me - said now or never, and so I married M aggie (Williams, Cat 37). She has to accept a non-sexual marriage or she has to be the one decide to leave. In the end Maggie, wanting to sire an heir and secure her position in the family, forces Brick to make love to her. He doesnt fight her

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